Hello! through this page, I want to share the design and illustration I've done, and as a freelance reporter I also want to share my news report, thank you for taking the time to look at this page.

EAT WELL is a culinary show on the Bogor Raya TV, in this episode, I'm the host to review the Crossover Cafe which is a cafe that is open 24 hours.
you can watch the video on Bogor Raya TV Youtube channel, here's the link :

and this one, a travel show on Bogor Raya TV, for this episode I'm the host to review mini cinema in Bogor, I also do interview manager of  Kinos Mini Cinema.

 Again, I'm the host for Eat Well show and this episode I try traditional laksa from Bogor, this is one of my favorite reports cause this is my first time eat Bogor Laksa, they taste so good.

 For this Eat Well episode, I review one of health cafe in Bogor, from this show I've got so many health food insight, the Owner is a friendly one and always welcome me when I come back to Organeed.

ILDEX Indonesia 2019 news, for this one I'm not a reporter but I do interview visitors and exhibitors around the world.

The program from Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture, I'm the host to report the state of agriculture in Southern Kalimantan, I've got so much insight and experience when I do report this one and meet lots of amazing people.


The article about my artwork, the article published in a local newspaper and magazine in 2018.




I'm a Social Media Reporter for Madania International School. I handled social media content include make design, copywriting, and graphic information. I also write an article for the school magazine, Madania News that publishes every week.

           Madania International School:
           Instagram: @madaniaschool
           Twitter: @madaniaschool
           Website: www.madania.sch.id
           Youtube: Madania